Hong Kong

Strategically located in the center of the Asian continent, Hong Kong is a major financial center and a leading international jurisdiction for both corporate and private clients. It offers a stable political climate, sound economic policies, and has remained an attractive center for both well-established businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Corpag Hong Kong partners with our clients to ensure the benefits offered by the territory are fully utilized through our end-to-end solutions and provide opportunities for structured business growth.
- Incorporation/Setup services
- Domiciliation and management services
- Accounting/reporting services
- Legal administration services
- Payroll services
- Tax Representation services
- Trust Setup and Administration Services
- Residency & Citizenship services
- Directorship services
- Bank account opening and management
Corpag Hong Kong
Room 101, The Lucky Building,
39 Wellington Street,
Central, Hong Kong
T: +852 37092930
Corpag Hong Kong falls under the following (AML) Regulator for its license and registration: Hong Kong Companies Registry.
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