Our local team in Montevideo has expert knowledge of the local market and offers clients access to Latin America and other parts of the world. Uruguay is known for its political stability, as well as its legal guarantees, reliable banking, and tax system. Uruguay gives our (international) clients a great chance to explore business opportunities for both trading and holding companies.


  • Incorporation/Setup services
  • Domiciliation and management services
  • Accounting/reporting services
  • Legal administration services
  • Payroll services
  • Office

    Corpag Uruguay

    Esteban A. Elena 6405, Oficina 6

    (11500) Montevideo, Uruguay

    Google Maps

    T: +598 2712 3774

    M: uruguay@corpag.com

    Corpag Uruguay falls under the following (AML) Regulator for its license and registration: National Secretariat for Combating the Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

    Key Contact

    Key Contacts

    Santiago O. Zebel
    Managing Director