Located in the heart of Western Europe, Luxembourg is a recognized financial hub with a stable political and financial system, as well as an AAA credit rating and a strong network of tax treaties. Luxembourg offers sophisticated and flexible corporate solutions in a well-developed economic infrastructure.


  • Incorporation/Setup services
  • Domiciliation and management services
  • Bank account opening and management
  • Accounting/reporting services
  • Legal administration services
  • Liquidation & Commissaire service
  • Tax compliance and filing of declarations
  • Regulatory compliance


Corpag Luxembourg

10, rue Mathias Hardt

L-1717 Luxembourg

Google Maps

T: +352 621 282 906

M: luxembourg@corpag.com

Corpag Luxembourg falls under the following Regulator for its license and registration: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the “CSSF”) registered as Cabinet de revision.

Key Contact

Key Contacts

Alexandre Bruncher
Peter Nagy