Singapore is a city-state located in South East Asia, with a stable government, currency, financial sector, highly educated English-speaking population, and a legal system based on English common law. Singapore facilitates trading and investing in the region as well as providing a base for corporate headquarter functions and a base for high-net-worth individuals and their families.


  • Incorporation/Setup services
  • Company Secretarial Services
  • Registered office address Services
  • Accounting/reporting Services
  • Legal administration Services
  • Payroll Services
  • Tax Representation Services
  • Residency & Citizenship services
  • Directorship services
  • Bank account opening and management


Corpag Singapore

11 Collyer Quay, #14-08,

The Arcade,

Singapore 049317

Google Maps

T: +65 6260 2781


Corpag Singapore falls under the following (AML) Regulator for its license and registration: Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)

Key Contact

Key Contacts

Fei Sun